Re-inspire your practice • Connect to the heart of Yoga • Fine-tune your mind-body awareness

Inversions, Arm Balances and Backbends: Developing a Stronger Practice
This experiential workshop addresses all of the most common obstacles among lovers of power vinyasa yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. Learn approaches to develop upper body strength asanas like forearm-stand, crow pose, float back into sitting, piking into headstand and handstand.

200hr Yoga Teacher Training
Our Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training will transform your practice, and help you find your own unique approach to teaching others. Designed to take you deep into the heart of yoga, empower yourself with the tools required to skillfully teach yoga to the unique needs of your students.

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga
Join Mike for a weekend course in the fundamentals of Ashtanga Yoga — everything you need to get started in a regular practice! No prior experience is necessary.

Inversions, Arm Balances and Backbends: Developing a Stronger Practice
This experiential workshop addresses all of the most common obstacles among lovers of power vinyasa yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. Learn approaches to develop upper body strength asanas like forearm-stand, crow pose, float back into sitting, piking into headstand and handstand.

Build an Inversions Practice!
An experiential workshop that prioritizes safety, preparations, progressions, and a primer on the essential anatomy. This workshop will primarily focus on headstand and forearmstand — less time will be devoted to handstand as the lessons to do it properly come from the previous two.

Groundwork & Floating
Floating is bearing weight on the hands and lifting into lolasana (crow pose variations), as a transition between poses, an essential part of Vinyasa Yoga. This workshop is all about making your practice work for you, experimenting with new techniques in simple and more complex poses, and using your breath to tap into core strength.

Breath Control and Core in Asana and Pranayama
The breath is a way of synchronizing mind and body to bring about relaxing meditative states. Exploring this connection in greater depth can also give us energy and strength to move through our mat practice (and everyday life) with grace and ease.
In this experiential workshop, you'll be guided through:
Vinyasa (movement) practice that emphasizes utilizing the bandhas and breath retention for specific mechanical advantages.
Seated breathing exercises (pranayama) to enhance awareness, focus the mind, and activate the parasympathetic nervous system
Detailed overview of the anatomy of the core and the mechanics of breathing.
Three types of Mulah Bandha, various forms of Uddiyana Bandha and Jalandhara Bandha
Why some instructions can be confusing or even problematic.
Stoking the Digestive Fire: the abdominal vacuum (Uddiyana Kriya) and the abdominal roll (Nauli Kriya)
Valuable Perspectives from modern Physiotherapists and the 14th century text, Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Workshop Fee: $50
Register through MindBody Online