Breath, Vinyasa & Philosophy
Explore the ancient science of balancing effort and relaxation through the breath
3 Tuesday nights from 7-9pm
Join Michael Dynie for this three week course exploring yoga philosophy and its relationship to breath. You'll also learn to move more fluidly in your vinyasa practice through a fresh new approach to creating stability in the spine and joints using the breath.
Learn tools to bridge the gap between vinyasa practice on the mat and everyday life. We will hone in on aspects of yoga philosophy that are relevant to the modern day practitioner, and look at selected verses from traditional texts like the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, as well as lesser known scriptures (handouts are provided).
Let yourself be inspired by a deep appreciation for yoga’s potential to replace habitual ways of seeing with a fresh and clearer perspective on living in the moment, with compassion and gratitude.
Dates and Times:
Foundations of Bandhas and Vinyasa Systems;
Meditation Theory in the Patanjali Sutra
Mahamudra and the Central Channel (susumna nadi);
Mindfulness Meditation in the Hatha Yoga Pradipka
Fluid movement and Modern perspectives on Mulah Bandha;
Breathing for Core Strength & Meditation
{ Scroll down for detailed outline… }
Format for each night:
7-7:30pm Lecture, Theory, Demonstration
7:30-8:30pm Practice of Asana with Bandha
8:30-9:00pm Philosophy, Pranayama, Meditation, Q & A Period
Your Investment:
Earlybird: $120+HST for full course before Oct 12
or $160+HST after
Enroll in the Course:
Week 1: Foundations of Bandhas, Vinyasa Systems and Meditation
• Intro to the Spinal Bandhas
• Neck Lock (Jalandhara Bandha) & the Expansive form of the Diaphragm Lock (Uddiyana Bandha)
• Cleansing Practices (Uddiyana Kriya)
• Foundations of Vinyasa
• Incorporating Breath Retention into Asana Practice
(Simple Flexion and Extension movements)
• Ujjayi Pranayama and Seated Breath Retention Exercises
• Meditation aims and methodology in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra
Week 2: Mahamudra (the Great Seal) and Susumani Nadi (the central channel)
• Nauli Kriya – The Abdominal Roll
• Incorporating Maha Mudra (the three bandhas) into Asana Practice (standing and seated series)
• Pelvis and Diaphragm connections
• Introduction to Floating in Vinyasa practice (the jump back)
• Exploring Seated Postures and other Forward bends
• Alternate Nostril Pranayama
• Hatha Yoga Pradipika: Verses on Liberation and Mindfulness
Week 3: Fluid movement and modern perspectives on Mulah Bandha
• Breathing to Protect the Spine in Backbends and Weight-Bearing Positions (Inversions)
• Release Hip and Lower Back tension through Breath Retention (Surya Namaskara B and other asana)
• The Prana is Smarter than you: A closer look at the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali and Hatha Pradipika
• Bhastrika Breath and a Pranayama Sequence for focused meditation